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 Course details
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Length : 2 days  Language(s) : DE / EN

 Prerequisites : N/A  Price Ex. V.A.T : €2300

 Upcoming sessions :

Legal sources of the regulatory reporting framework for banks and financial institutions according to CRR/CRD, the German Banking Act (KWG) and national statistical requirements, incl. an excursus to the upcoming innovations in the context of Basel IV.

As a newcomer to the regulatory reporting framework for banks and financial institutions, this 2-day training will provide you with a well-structured overview of the individual reporting areas. Using case examples and exercises, you will familiarize yourself with the background and content of the individual Reports.

This training focuses on the reports pertaining to CoRep (Own Funds, Leverage Ratio, Large Exposure, LCR, NSFR, ALMM), Asset Encumbrance, FinRep according to n-GAAP and the national statistical reporting, including the Financial and Internal Capital Adequacy Information Regulation (FinaRisikoV).

This training is aimed at functionally oriented newcomers to the area of regulatory reporting in banks and financial institutions, or staff after a professional break, at management staff who have not yet been in touch with regulatory reporting subject matter, and at technically oriented staff working in regulatory reporting who wish to gain on overview of the theoretical foundations.

Technology Requirements (only applies to webinars)
Webinars will be held using a video conferencing tool. If required, the trainer conducts a short test conference call before the actual webinar date, to ensure that technology requirements are met at particpants’ end.

Trainers and Language
All our trainers are employees of Regnology Germany GmbH. Due to their extensive practical experience and their well-structured training approach they will provide you with the knowledge required for your daily working with Abacus.

The training will be held in German.

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To find out more about this course,
contact us at :

   01 42 68 85 60

1 - Legal sources for regulatory reporting

2 - Regulatory reports according to CRR/CRD and KWG

  • Own Funds and Own Funds Requirements reporting; its structuring along counterparty (credit), operational and market risks
  • Leverage Ratio reporting
  • Large Exposure and Million Loans reporting, focusing on borrower, borrower unit and group of connected clients as well as reporting processes and templates
  • Liquidity reporting LCR, NSFR, A(L)MM
  • Information about Asset Encumbrance reporting
  • Overview Financial Reporting

3 - National reporting Germany

  • Statistical reporting (Balance Sheet Statistics, Borrower Statistics, Foreign Status, Interest Rate Statistics, Securities Investment Statistics)
  • Residential Real Estate Statistics (WIFSta)
  • Financial and Internal Capital Adequacy Information Regulation (FinaRisikoV)

4 - Further reports - Overview

  • AnaCredit reporting
  • ESG Reporting

5 - Outlook on upcoming innovations and the challenges implied for regulatory and statistical reporting